Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Here Comes the Sun...

Ever wonder why you genuinely feel happier is some places, as opposed to others?  Of course, there are several factors weighing in; however, a large factor could be the amount of sunlight.  With sunlight being the source of all energy on Earth, it is also a large source of your overall health.
This is why windows are so important.  When building or remodeling a home, you should always make sure you have plenty of windows to allow sunlight in when needed. 
When our skin is exposed to the sun's UVB rays, our bodies produce vitamin D.  Vitamin D helps reduce risks of cancer and other serious health conditions; and according to Professor Michael Holick, of Boston University School of Medicine, we get about 90-95% of our vitamin D from the sun.
Along with our physical health, it also helps boost our mental health.  
1. Sunlight boosts levels of serotonin in the body, which is the body's natural happy hormone.  That boost of serotonin in your body is what causes you to feel happier and more energetic, and can also fight off moderate depression.
2. SAD is a type of depression specifically caused by a lack of sunlight.  It stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder and has also been referred to as the winter blues.  Opening windows and sitting in the rays for as little of 15 minutes a day can help prevent SAD.
3. Sunlight gives the world it's energy, and also you.  Melatonin is what regulates sleep, so having a lower level of this hormone can give you more energy.  Sunlight decreases the secretion of melatonin, leaving you with more energy to take on the day!

Now that you understand the importance of sunlight, stay tuned this week as we shed some light on how to get the most out of your home windows.

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