Thursday, July 24, 2014

Shall We Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is a concept that has been implemented into many countries.  Everyone has heard the term, but few understand the history and true meaning of feng shui.  Thanks to feng shui expert, Rodika Tchi, I have found information on this practice that could bring powerful changes to your life. 
Originating in China over 3,000 years ago, feng shui is an ancient art revealing that good health and fortune are bestowed upon people who properly balance the energy in a given space.
The tools necessary for this practice are the Compass and the Bagua.  The bagua is an octagonal energy map that contains the symbols of the I Ching, and in order to feng shui your home, you must know your home's bagua.  The Compass, Luo-Pan, discovers further information about your home by arranging bands of concentric rings around the magnetic needle.
The core knowledge of feng shui is incredibly complex and takes years of studying to understand.  There are many articles that breaks down the process, so you are able to practice the basic knowledge of feng shui in your home.  

As a beginner, here is one simple tip that will skyrocket your way into a more harmonious life and help you begin your feng shui quest.

1. Minimize Clutter - Increase Air and Light
Get rid of the extra trinkets and unwanted magazines.  Rid your home of anything you do not love.  While doing this, begin opening windows to let in light and air.  To have a clutter-free, airy, and bright decor will get you well on your way to a more harmonious life.  

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